Measurecamp Sydney 2017 roundup
Wow this years’ event was a load of fun. Despite serious planning only starting about six weeks out, our intrepid crew of generous volunteers managed to pull things together. We had a great time and judging by the feedback so far, it seems like others did too!
Below you’ll find links to slides and photos that have been shared from the day. if you’d like to share, tweet a link to @MeasureCampSyd.
- Lucas Lee: Simple but Powerful LI and GA hacks
- Scott Sunderland: roundup
- Damion Brown: PII for a White Guy + Building your freelance empire
- Simon Rumble: Display Advertising: How does it work + Microcontrollers: Collect data from your environment
- Narbeh Yousefian: Enabling data-drive innovation: Defining and developing analytics maturity
- Rachel Bunder: What is the most common street name in Australia? (video of the same talk at another conference)
- Jack Golding: Staying Relevant as Skynet Takes Over
- Simon’s photos
- Ash’s photos